This is a great time saver
and a fantastic way to get started filling your freezer. Before I
started "hard-core" OAMC I "precooked" for years. Have a lazy afternoon?
Boil up some chicken. Having ground beef for supper? Fry up
5 pounds instead of 1. Fantastic sale on ground beef? Make
up a big batch of meatballs. Having a few things started in the freezer
will save you a TON of time in the kitchen.
Examples of things that can be "pre-cooked":
Ground beef - seasoned with
garlic and onion - package in 2 cup portions
Chicken - shredded - package
in 2 cup portions
Meatballs - a great recipe
for these is in my hamburger plan
Chicken Broth - for quick
Sautéed Onions or mushrooms
- make a quick onion soup, over steaks or burgers etc.
Diced Ham - for omelets, baked
potato nights, pizza toppings etc.
Cooked and crumbled Bacon
- same as above...
Things not cooked but handy to have on hand:
Cheese - shredded - package
in 1-2 cup portions
diced onions - package in
small sandwich bags then toss in a freezer bag
diced or sliced bell peppers
- package in small sandwich bags then toss in a freezer bag
Think of something I missed??
What do you like to keep ready in your freezer? E-mail me and let
me know!
me if you have questions, comments or complaints about this web page