Fels Naphtha Laundry Soap
Recipe By : Annette Bowser
1/3 bar
Fels Naphtha soap -- grated
1/2 cup
washing soda
1/2 cup
Fels Naphtha - Put in a pan with 3 pints of water, and
heat until dissolved: 1/3 bar Fels Naphtha Laundry Soap, grated, Stir in:
1/2 cup Washing soda, 1/2 cup Borax. Mix until melted. Remove from heat.
In a two gallon bucket, put 1 quart of hot water, then add the soap. Mix.
Fill bucket with cold water. Mix until well blended. Set aside for 24 hours.
Its will gel up. Use 1/2 cup for each load.
1/2 Fels Naphtha and 1/2 Ivory
Recipe By : Robbyn Snider
1 bar of Ivory soap
1/2 bar of Fels Naphtha soap
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of Washing soda
Grate the bar of ivory and add half a bar of grated
fels naphtha . Follow the general instructions for the Fels Naphtha
Robbyn's Homemade Laundry Soap
Recipe By : Robbyn Snider
1 Bar
Ivory Soap (plain -- pure soap, to fragrance, etc.)
1 Cup
Washing Soda (not baking soda)
Fill a large bucket or container with hot tap water.
(I use a 1 1/2 gallon
bucket leftover from the kids Legos..). Set aside.
Grate bar of soap into
a sauce pan. Add water just to cover. Heat,
stirring constantly, until
soap is dissolved. Add soap/water mixture to the
hot water in the bucket.
Stir to combine. Then (do not reverse this order)
add 1 cup of Washing Soda
and stir. As this cools it will turn into a bucket
full of white gelatinous
soap (thickness depends on size of bucket used).
To use, I put one cup into a full load of laundry.
Sometimes (when I think
of it) I add a handful of baking soda to the load and
I use vinegar in a
Downy Ball as softener.
This bucket of soap does a lot of laundry and more soap
is just 15 minutes
The person that I got this from used a 3 gal bucket and
used 2 cups soap
each time...
Important notes...
Fels Naphtha can be difficult to find but it is worth
it. You can do a search at Yahoo and buy the ingredients on line..
as soon as I get the addy I will update and add the links here... the soap
does not foam up but does clean. I buy the Ivory in bulk and the
Washing Soda is found near the Borax type products in the grocery store.
Washing Soda is made by Arm and Hammer and the box looks like a big box
of baking soda (but is NOT the samething!). In a pinch I go ahead
and use this before it's cooled as a liquid..... works fine.
Also folks in Canada have mentioned useing the Sunlight bar as a replacement
for the soap.
I started using this last year out of desperation when I had no money and a ton of dirty clothes.. it works great but you do need to make sure to spot food stains though..
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