Megan loved to write poetry and stories. She was always carrying around
pads of paper and loads of pens and pencils!
by Megan Snider
Funny, nice, animal lover, good friend
Sister of Jessica, Jimmy and Clinty.
Lover of horses, books and poetry
Who feels happy, scared, and glad to be out of the hospital.
Who needs more money, more horses and more jewelry.
Who fears needles, wolves and scary noises.
Who gives great hugs, lots of love and lots of affection.
Who would like to see a rodeo, a horse show and a horse movie.
I am a resident of Flaherty, Kentucky
Grey clouds
by Megan Snider
Grey clouds floating by
Drifting floating through the night
Ghostly nightriders
Gray Stallion
by Megan Snider
Running gray stallion
Flying through the dark forest
Ice and snow below
Megan's Limerick
by Megan Snider
There once was a girl named Megan.
And at the hospital she was beggin’.
They wanted her blood.
So on with the gloves.
Now all the tests are taken.